Until today, I have join some Investment Program which have related my business online activity.
I have recommended this site and my affiliate link, you can try :
1. WOIP-1% daily forever (lifetime: 364 days)
1% daily forever (Senin - Minggu) 7 hari seminggu.TERBUKTI
WOIP service has been started in 2007 as the first to operate savings and loans in electronic currencies automatically and instantly. Up to this day, WOIP is the world's leader in automated processing of funds on deposit and loaning* both by operations volume and overall transaction value.
detail : http://woip-system.net/?568182
2. www.stoic-capital.com-payouts: 1.4-2.8% daily! (lifetime: 402 days)
Are there a ways of saving private assets, which would effectively exceed simple bank deposits, in their reliability and especially, profitability? Yes. One of these options is the guaranteed hedge fund - The Stoic.We offer up to 2.8% daily; $10 Bonus; 24/7/365 Customer Support.The Stoic: Guaranteed Earnings for Customers, is our Top Priority.
detail : http://www.stoic-capital.com/index.php?partner=7590508912
3. www.donkeymails.com - Paid to Click (No Minimum PayOut)
Donkeymails diluncurkan pada 3 febuari 2005. Selama kurang dari dua tahun donkeymails telah mencapai anggota mereka yang ke 100.000. Hal ini berkat dukungan dari pengiklan dan para anggota mereka. Hal ini sekaligus membutikan donkeymails memang website ptc yang layak diperhitungkan.
Dengan sistem pembayaran komisi yang lengkap seperti E-gold, LibertyReserve, Paypal dan Alertpay donkeymails sekaligus memberikan nilai payout yang rendah cocok bagi anda yang menginginkan komisi yang cepat.
Selain iklan yang tidak pernah sepi untuk di klik, di donkeymails kita juga dijamu dengan berbagai game untuk meningkatkan pendapatan kita seperti donkey lotto yang memberikan hadiah sampai $25. Jadi kapan anda bergabung?
detail : http://www.donkeymails.com/pages/index.php?refid=witara2008
Minggu, 29 Maret 2009
Kamis, 26 Maret 2009
google adsense
Saat ini Google adsense adalah merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet.
tapi dengan banyaknya peraturan dari admin Google Adsense tsb, banyak pemula yang melakukan jalan pintas agar bisa cepat mendapatkan dollar dari program ini.
Gambar ini adalah contoh Cheque yang dikirim oleh Google kepada peserta dari Indonesia, senilai USD 1,522.49 atau 15 juta lebih.... lumayan buat belanja...
cheque dari Google
tapi dengan banyaknya peraturan dari admin Google Adsense tsb, banyak pemula yang melakukan jalan pintas agar bisa cepat mendapatkan dollar dari program ini.
Gambar ini adalah contoh Cheque yang dikirim oleh Google kepada peserta dari Indonesia, senilai USD 1,522.49 atau 15 juta lebih.... lumayan buat belanja...
cheque dari Google
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
Google adsense for today
Update report for Google adsense
For yesterday status :
Page impressions : 63
Clicks : 1
Page CTR : 1.59%
Page eCPM [?] :$14.14
Earnings : $0.89
Kamis, 19 Maret 2009
$4000/Bulan dari Google AdSense
Cosa Aranda melaporkan bahwa ia mendapatkan lebih dari $4000/bulan dari Google AdSense pada bulan November kemarin. Penghasilan tersebut ia dapatkan dari iklan AdSense yang dipasang pada blog-blog di jaringan Funponsel.com miliknya. Blog-blog tersebut memiliki tema yang bervariasi, tetapi yang paling populer adalah yang bertemakan teknologi dan juga koleksi lirik musik.
Selain dari AdSense, Cosa juga mendapatkan lebih dari $80 pada bulan yang sama dari jaringan iklan Blogads.
Untuk menangani jaringan blognya, Cosa mempekerjakan dua orang pegawai. Sedangkan untuk mencapai targetnya, dia mematok pembuatan tulisan di blognya sebanyak antara 3 sampai dengan 12 buah tulisan per hari untuk setiap blognya.
Desain blog pada jaringan Funponsel mengingatkan saya pada Engadget dan blog-blog lain pada jaringan Weblogs Inc. milik Jason Calacanis yang beberapa waktu yang lalu telah dibeli oleh grup Time Warner. Mungkin Cosa memang meniru model bisnis dari Weblogs Inc.?
Seperti halnya Weblogs Inc., pendapatan utama dari jaringan Funponsel sepertinya berasal dari penempatan iklan Google AdSense. Walaupun demikian, saya juga melihat ada beberapa iklan yang tidak berasal dari Google AdSense.
Bagaimana Cosa mencapai ini semua? Saya rasa resepnya kira-kira seperti ini:
1. Persistensi dalam menulis artikel sebanyak 1-2 lusin setiap harinya.
2. Tulisan dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Menurut pengamatan saya, blog yang berbahasa Inggris memiliki CTR 20-30 kali lebih tinggi daripada blog berbahasa Indonesia.
3. Desain yang dioptimasi untuk penempatan AdSense dan iklan lainnya.
4. Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO).
Yang aktif mencari pendapatan dari Google AdSense di Indonesia tentunya bukan hanya Cosa. Para profesional Google AdSense ini berkumpul di forum Adsense-ID. Dalam sebuah postingnya, Cosa mengatakan bahwa ada anggota forum yang memiliki pendapatan per bulan sampai 5 digit.
Sukses Cosa bukannya tanpa kontroversi. Blog Funponsel yang pernah menjadi anggota pengumpul blog Planet Terasi bukanlah blog yang populer di kalangan pembaca Planet Terasi. Penyebabnya kemungkinan besar adalah lusinan artikel dari Funponsel kerap kali memenuhi Planet Terasi. Mungkin ini yang menyebabkan Ronny Haryanto menghilangkan blog Cosa dari daftar blog yang diindeks oleh Planet Terasi. Karena itu Cosa meminta Ronny untuk menghapus Funponsel dari blog yang diindeks Planet Terasi.
Jika jaringan Funponsel mendapat lebih dari $4000/bulan, tentunya ada banyak pengunjung yang mengklik iklan AdSense. Dari mana saja pengunjung ini? Menurut pengamatan saya, kemungkinan besar berasal dari mesin pencari seperti Google. Blog My Other Side of Stories yang merupakan blog paling populer di jaringan milik Cosa hanya memiliki tujuh orang pelanggan di Bloglines.com, menandakan blog ini hanya memiliki sedikit pelanggan tetap.
Sebagai perbandingan, di Bloglines blog saya memiliki 113 pelanggan, sedangkan blog Enda Nasution memiliki 121 pelanggan. Dari blog saya ini, saat ini saya hanya mendapatkan kurang dari $10/bulan, sedangkan Enda pernah mengatakan pendapatannya melalui AdSense adalah sekitar $10-12/bulan (kalau tidak salah, dan mungkin sekarang sudah lebih banyak). Hal ini menandakan bahwa blog yang memiliki banyak pembaca rutin belum tentu memiliki pengunjung yang lebih banyak.
Sayangnya, dari hasil membolak-balik forum AdSense-ID, saya belum dapat menemukan contoh situs lain yang layak selain situs-situs Cosa ini. Kebanyakan situs-situs yang saya temukan hanyalah situs-situs ‘klasik’ untuk ‘memancing’ pengunjung dari mesin pencari. Anda memiliki contoh yang lain?
Dunia gemerlap memang selalu dekat dengan dunia hitam, begitu pula di Internet. Tak jarang para ‘profesional’ AdSense melakukan hal-hal yang tidak terpuji, misalnya membuat scraper sites, melakukan spamming dan sebagainya. Faktor etika inilah yang terlalu sering diabaikan dalam mendapatkan penghasilan di Internet. Untuk saat ini saya masih belum melihat adanya korelasi antara kualitas blog dan jumlah penghasilan, terutama di Indonesia. Jaringan blog milik Cosa mungkin sedikit banyak bisa dibilang merupakan pengecualian.
source : priyadi.net
Selain dari AdSense, Cosa juga mendapatkan lebih dari $80 pada bulan yang sama dari jaringan iklan Blogads.
Untuk menangani jaringan blognya, Cosa mempekerjakan dua orang pegawai. Sedangkan untuk mencapai targetnya, dia mematok pembuatan tulisan di blognya sebanyak antara 3 sampai dengan 12 buah tulisan per hari untuk setiap blognya.
Desain blog pada jaringan Funponsel mengingatkan saya pada Engadget dan blog-blog lain pada jaringan Weblogs Inc. milik Jason Calacanis yang beberapa waktu yang lalu telah dibeli oleh grup Time Warner. Mungkin Cosa memang meniru model bisnis dari Weblogs Inc.?
Seperti halnya Weblogs Inc., pendapatan utama dari jaringan Funponsel sepertinya berasal dari penempatan iklan Google AdSense. Walaupun demikian, saya juga melihat ada beberapa iklan yang tidak berasal dari Google AdSense.
Bagaimana Cosa mencapai ini semua? Saya rasa resepnya kira-kira seperti ini:
1. Persistensi dalam menulis artikel sebanyak 1-2 lusin setiap harinya.
2. Tulisan dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Menurut pengamatan saya, blog yang berbahasa Inggris memiliki CTR 20-30 kali lebih tinggi daripada blog berbahasa Indonesia.
3. Desain yang dioptimasi untuk penempatan AdSense dan iklan lainnya.
4. Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO).
Yang aktif mencari pendapatan dari Google AdSense di Indonesia tentunya bukan hanya Cosa. Para profesional Google AdSense ini berkumpul di forum Adsense-ID. Dalam sebuah postingnya, Cosa mengatakan bahwa ada anggota forum yang memiliki pendapatan per bulan sampai 5 digit.
Sukses Cosa bukannya tanpa kontroversi. Blog Funponsel yang pernah menjadi anggota pengumpul blog Planet Terasi bukanlah blog yang populer di kalangan pembaca Planet Terasi. Penyebabnya kemungkinan besar adalah lusinan artikel dari Funponsel kerap kali memenuhi Planet Terasi. Mungkin ini yang menyebabkan Ronny Haryanto menghilangkan blog Cosa dari daftar blog yang diindeks oleh Planet Terasi. Karena itu Cosa meminta Ronny untuk menghapus Funponsel dari blog yang diindeks Planet Terasi.
Jika jaringan Funponsel mendapat lebih dari $4000/bulan, tentunya ada banyak pengunjung yang mengklik iklan AdSense. Dari mana saja pengunjung ini? Menurut pengamatan saya, kemungkinan besar berasal dari mesin pencari seperti Google. Blog My Other Side of Stories yang merupakan blog paling populer di jaringan milik Cosa hanya memiliki tujuh orang pelanggan di Bloglines.com, menandakan blog ini hanya memiliki sedikit pelanggan tetap.
Sebagai perbandingan, di Bloglines blog saya memiliki 113 pelanggan, sedangkan blog Enda Nasution memiliki 121 pelanggan. Dari blog saya ini, saat ini saya hanya mendapatkan kurang dari $10/bulan, sedangkan Enda pernah mengatakan pendapatannya melalui AdSense adalah sekitar $10-12/bulan (kalau tidak salah, dan mungkin sekarang sudah lebih banyak). Hal ini menandakan bahwa blog yang memiliki banyak pembaca rutin belum tentu memiliki pengunjung yang lebih banyak.
Sayangnya, dari hasil membolak-balik forum AdSense-ID, saya belum dapat menemukan contoh situs lain yang layak selain situs-situs Cosa ini. Kebanyakan situs-situs yang saya temukan hanyalah situs-situs ‘klasik’ untuk ‘memancing’ pengunjung dari mesin pencari. Anda memiliki contoh yang lain?
Dunia gemerlap memang selalu dekat dengan dunia hitam, begitu pula di Internet. Tak jarang para ‘profesional’ AdSense melakukan hal-hal yang tidak terpuji, misalnya membuat scraper sites, melakukan spamming dan sebagainya. Faktor etika inilah yang terlalu sering diabaikan dalam mendapatkan penghasilan di Internet. Untuk saat ini saya masih belum melihat adanya korelasi antara kualitas blog dan jumlah penghasilan, terutama di Indonesia. Jaringan blog milik Cosa mungkin sedikit banyak bisa dibilang merupakan pengecualian.
source : priyadi.net
Minggu, 15 Maret 2009
google adsense tutorial
This is a google adsense video tutorial from Youtube, posted by ezblog
source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQZynuNvgWA
source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQZynuNvgWA
Jumat, 13 Maret 2009
Speed up your web Traffic for Google ad sense
There are a lot of trick and tips for speed up your web traffic for Google ad sense.
This is rule number 1.
1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and e-books that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks which mean more money for you.
-- so, please enjoy it.---
This is rule number 1.
1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and e-books that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks which mean more money for you.
-- so, please enjoy it.---
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
Google adsense Tips# 1
Dear Blogger,
Maybe you have read a lot of article regarding Google Ad sense tips. Especially for beginner, include me..:-)
Its Ok, new blogger will searching a lot of tips and shortcut to optimize the traffic of their web or blog.
I will write some of the simple tips, which is (maybe) you already know.
I think i will refresh again your memory.
Tips No. 1 is :
Don't Put ads on Empty Page
This is important, because no body will interesting with the web which whole of the page only displaying advertisement.
This is a simple but important to increase your Google ad sense earning.
Reader need a good article from blogger (admin), anything..
lets be a good blogger..
Maybe you have read a lot of article regarding Google Ad sense tips. Especially for beginner, include me..:-)
Its Ok, new blogger will searching a lot of tips and shortcut to optimize the traffic of their web or blog.
I will write some of the simple tips, which is (maybe) you already know.
I think i will refresh again your memory.
Tips No. 1 is :
Don't Put ads on Empty Page
This is important, because no body will interesting with the web which whole of the page only displaying advertisement.
This is a simple but important to increase your Google ad sense earning.
Reader need a good article from blogger (admin), anything..
lets be a good blogger..
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
Trading Tipe Scalper
Trading Tipe Scalper
Scalper atau Scalping adalah tipe trader yang melakukan order berkali-kali dalam setiap kesempatan tradingnya. Seperti arti harfiahnya, Scalp atau kutu loncat.
Scalper atau Scalping adalah tipe trader yang melakukan order berkali-kali dalam setiap kesempatan tradingnya. Seperti arti harfiahnya, Scalp atau kutu loncat.
Trader tipe ini biasanya ndak monoton bermain dgn 1 pairs saja, adapula yang mampu bermain dengan banyak pairs (pasangan mata uang), meskipun hal tersebut jarang dan sangat sulit dilakukan karna butuh analisa yang jauh lebih luas ketimbang hanya menganalisa 1 pairs.
Time Frame (TF) yang digunakan juga biasanya singkat (M1, M5, M15 dan M30)
Indikator yang dipakai juga ndak terlalu banyak.
Rilis berita yang fundamental sangat penting di awasi agar LOSS besar ndak terjadi (jika market dalam kondisi sangat volatile atau bergerak sangat cepat, besar kemungkinan CLOSING ORDER sulit dilakukan).
Trading dengan tipe ini biasanya dilakukan oleh trader dengan modal yang minim (berharap dapat meraih keuntungan besar setiap sesi trading)
Saat ini, banyak programer telah menciptakan ROBOT atau Indikator atau System yang bisa digunakan oleh Trader tipe Scalp. Demikian pula eBook yang mengupas tentang teknik2 Scalping, mungkin sudah banyak skali.
Kolom ini saya buat agar Trader2 FIPI mau berbagi teknik Scalping-nya agar para pemula dapat terbantu.
Sekedar sharing, silahkan liat2 DEMO TRADING TIPE SCALP ini:
1. Menggunakan 3 Indikator standar (RSI, Stochastic dan Fractal)
2. Demo akun $25 (Micro Account atau Cent Account)
3. Scalper harus sabar karna modal kecil dan bertujuan dapat untung besar.
source :http://incomepasif.com
Scalper atau Scalping adalah tipe trader yang melakukan order berkali-kali dalam setiap kesempatan tradingnya. Seperti arti harfiahnya, Scalp atau kutu loncat.
Scalper atau Scalping adalah tipe trader yang melakukan order berkali-kali dalam setiap kesempatan tradingnya. Seperti arti harfiahnya, Scalp atau kutu loncat.
Trader tipe ini biasanya ndak monoton bermain dgn 1 pairs saja, adapula yang mampu bermain dengan banyak pairs (pasangan mata uang), meskipun hal tersebut jarang dan sangat sulit dilakukan karna butuh analisa yang jauh lebih luas ketimbang hanya menganalisa 1 pairs.
Time Frame (TF) yang digunakan juga biasanya singkat (M1, M5, M15 dan M30)
Indikator yang dipakai juga ndak terlalu banyak.
Rilis berita yang fundamental sangat penting di awasi agar LOSS besar ndak terjadi (jika market dalam kondisi sangat volatile atau bergerak sangat cepat, besar kemungkinan CLOSING ORDER sulit dilakukan).
Trading dengan tipe ini biasanya dilakukan oleh trader dengan modal yang minim (berharap dapat meraih keuntungan besar setiap sesi trading)
Saat ini, banyak programer telah menciptakan ROBOT atau Indikator atau System yang bisa digunakan oleh Trader tipe Scalp. Demikian pula eBook yang mengupas tentang teknik2 Scalping, mungkin sudah banyak skali.
Kolom ini saya buat agar Trader2 FIPI mau berbagi teknik Scalping-nya agar para pemula dapat terbantu.
Sekedar sharing, silahkan liat2 DEMO TRADING TIPE SCALP ini:
1. Menggunakan 3 Indikator standar (RSI, Stochastic dan Fractal)
2. Demo akun $25 (Micro Account atau Cent Account)
3. Scalper harus sabar karna modal kecil dan bertujuan dapat untung besar.
source :http://incomepasif.com
Kamis, 05 Maret 2009
5 Reasons You Will be Banned From Google Adsense
Nice article : from www.masskash.com
If I had a dollar for every time I read a forum post somewhere about “I got banned from Adsense, and I didn’t even do anything”, I’d be a rich man. Oh wait, I am a rich man..but I digress.
Nice article : from www.masskash.com
If I had a dollar for every time I read a forum post somewhere about “I got banned from Adsense, and I didn’t even do anything”, I’d be a rich man. Oh wait, I am a rich man..but I digress.
People, if you got the dreaded “letter” from Google regarding your Adsense account being suspended because your sites are a “liability to Google publishers & advertisers” or because of fradulent clicks, guess what, you either have a crappy MFA (made for Adsense) site, or you clicked your own damn adds like an idiot. You’ll get no sympathy here, especially if you did the later. So here are the top 5 reasons you will probably get banned from Adsense if you have no Commonsense.
1. Clicking Your Own Ads
This is a 100% way to get your account terminated…never to return. Don’t think you can ask your friends to do it either. Google software is much smarter than your tiny brain, and you will be discovered. Say bye-bye to your precious $1.43 a day you were making. In fact, don’t even tell your friends or family about your Adsense. They’ll be tempted to click your ad’s thinking it helps you, when in fact they’ll have you thrown out of the program for good.
2. Altering the Adsense Code
Try to get cute by messing with your ad code, changing sizes, putting adsense on page load pop-up’s etc…You will be banned. Leave the code alone. There are enough sizes, shapes and colors to fit anyone’s site.
3. Adsense in Close Proximity to Photos
This is a sure fire way to increase your CTR. Put 4 nice 100×100 photos in a row above a full Adsense leader board advertisement, and it looks like each ad showing corresponds with the image above it…very tricky, and very against Google TOS. Keep your ads and any photos or images a safe distance from each other. They don’t play well together in the eyes of Google. You’re asking for trouble if you don’t.
4. Porn, Warez, Gambling…
All The Things That Makes Life Worth Living - Think of Google as your local Church Minister. He doesn’t like naked chicks, he frowns upon stealing and selling stolen goods, and he dispises pissing your money away at the poker table. But he sure likes young boys..(Did I just say that??) Promote any of these vices, and the Google Vice Squad will hunt you down, and drop your account like a bad habit.
5. Improperly Mixing Google Adsense Ads With Other Ad Programs
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with diversifying your income streams. Adsense, Adbrite, and YPN are great programs and you can earn very well from combining them on your sites…However, make sure each ad unit look different from one another. If you make your Adsense looke like your Adbrite ads, chances are you will get the letter from Google asking you to change them or just straight out dropping you from the program. Be mindful of the looks of your ads and you’ll stay in the good graces of Google.
These are all so common sense that I still can’t believe how many people are bitching daily about their account with Google being terminated…and they act like they don’t understand how it could happen to them. Make sites with some good content and stay away from any of the problems above, and you’ll be earning with Adsense for a long time to come.
source :
If I had a dollar for every time I read a forum post somewhere about “I got banned from Adsense, and I didn’t even do anything”, I’d be a rich man. Oh wait, I am a rich man..but I digress.
Nice article : from www.masskash.com
If I had a dollar for every time I read a forum post somewhere about “I got banned from Adsense, and I didn’t even do anything”, I’d be a rich man. Oh wait, I am a rich man..but I digress.
People, if you got the dreaded “letter” from Google regarding your Adsense account being suspended because your sites are a “liability to Google publishers & advertisers” or because of fradulent clicks, guess what, you either have a crappy MFA (made for Adsense) site, or you clicked your own damn adds like an idiot. You’ll get no sympathy here, especially if you did the later. So here are the top 5 reasons you will probably get banned from Adsense if you have no Commonsense.
1. Clicking Your Own Ads
This is a 100% way to get your account terminated…never to return. Don’t think you can ask your friends to do it either. Google software is much smarter than your tiny brain, and you will be discovered. Say bye-bye to your precious $1.43 a day you were making. In fact, don’t even tell your friends or family about your Adsense. They’ll be tempted to click your ad’s thinking it helps you, when in fact they’ll have you thrown out of the program for good.
2. Altering the Adsense Code
Try to get cute by messing with your ad code, changing sizes, putting adsense on page load pop-up’s etc…You will be banned. Leave the code alone. There are enough sizes, shapes and colors to fit anyone’s site.
3. Adsense in Close Proximity to Photos
This is a sure fire way to increase your CTR. Put 4 nice 100×100 photos in a row above a full Adsense leader board advertisement, and it looks like each ad showing corresponds with the image above it…very tricky, and very against Google TOS. Keep your ads and any photos or images a safe distance from each other. They don’t play well together in the eyes of Google. You’re asking for trouble if you don’t.
4. Porn, Warez, Gambling…
All The Things That Makes Life Worth Living - Think of Google as your local Church Minister. He doesn’t like naked chicks, he frowns upon stealing and selling stolen goods, and he dispises pissing your money away at the poker table. But he sure likes young boys..(Did I just say that??) Promote any of these vices, and the Google Vice Squad will hunt you down, and drop your account like a bad habit.
5. Improperly Mixing Google Adsense Ads With Other Ad Programs
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with diversifying your income streams. Adsense, Adbrite, and YPN are great programs and you can earn very well from combining them on your sites…However, make sure each ad unit look different from one another. If you make your Adsense looke like your Adbrite ads, chances are you will get the letter from Google asking you to change them or just straight out dropping you from the program. Be mindful of the looks of your ads and you’ll stay in the good graces of Google.
These are all so common sense that I still can’t believe how many people are bitching daily about their account with Google being terminated…and they act like they don’t understand how it could happen to them. Make sites with some good content and stay away from any of the problems above, and you’ll be earning with Adsense for a long time to come.
source :
Google Adsense gw di banned ngga ya
Pertanyaan seputar "Google Adsense gw di banned ngga ya?"
Tanya 1 :
Ada yang tahu gak ciri-cirinya akun adsense google yang kena banned???
jawab 1 :
1.cek email google, biasanya ada email notifikasi penutupan akun atau
2.Cek web tempat pemasangan iklan, pasti iklannya ga muncul atau
3.Sign in, pasti ada peringatannya
Tanya 2 :
Pernah di banned oleh google adsense, daftar lagi kemudian diterima.?
Saya pernah di banned oleh google adsense kemudian daftar lagi dengan blog yang lain diterima lagi. pertanyaannya, boleh tidak saya meletakkan ads google adsense pada website yang dengan website saya pernah di banned?
jawab 2 :
Dibanned berarti anda pernah terblacklist oleh google... dan blacklist biasanya mencatat seluruh history baik dari IP, host, dan server domain anda....
jawab 2-1 :
1. tidak bisa dipakai lagi.. karena itu sama saja dengan expire widget.....
2. kalaupun bisa hanya bisa bertahan selama google tidak melakukan query expired pada widget adsense anda...
Tanya 3 :
Google adsense ads pada situs yang pernah dibanned?
Saya diterima di google adsense dengan situs yang baru, kalau saya letakkan ads pada situs yang pernah dibanned apakah akoun saya yang baru akan di banned lagi?
Jawab 3 :
engine adsense otomatis akan memfilter banned website & account anda bisa dipending
source : http://answers.yahoo.com/
Tanya 1 :
Ada yang tahu gak ciri-cirinya akun adsense google yang kena banned???
jawab 1 :
1.cek email google, biasanya ada email notifikasi penutupan akun atau
2.Cek web tempat pemasangan iklan, pasti iklannya ga muncul atau
3.Sign in, pasti ada peringatannya
Tanya 2 :
Pernah di banned oleh google adsense, daftar lagi kemudian diterima.?
Saya pernah di banned oleh google adsense kemudian daftar lagi dengan blog yang lain diterima lagi. pertanyaannya, boleh tidak saya meletakkan ads google adsense pada website yang dengan website saya pernah di banned?
jawab 2 :
Dibanned berarti anda pernah terblacklist oleh google... dan blacklist biasanya mencatat seluruh history baik dari IP, host, dan server domain anda....
jawab 2-1 :
1. tidak bisa dipakai lagi.. karena itu sama saja dengan expire widget.....
2. kalaupun bisa hanya bisa bertahan selama google tidak melakukan query expired pada widget adsense anda...
Tanya 3 :
Google adsense ads pada situs yang pernah dibanned?
Saya diterima di google adsense dengan situs yang baru, kalau saya letakkan ads pada situs yang pernah dibanned apakah akoun saya yang baru akan di banned lagi?
Jawab 3 :
engine adsense otomatis akan memfilter banned website & account anda bisa dipending
source : http://answers.yahoo.com/
Rabu, 04 Maret 2009
$100 a day Adsense Plan
Adsense is the first step for Internet newbie when they are start learning to make money online. Adsense is one of the easiest way to generate a decent amount of money at start. There are people who are earning thousands per day with just adsense. But they have spent time and got very good experience and tricks in this time to earn this amount each day. Here is a basic starter plan for you to earn $100 per day with adsense by using mini adsense content rich sites. Target is to take each site $5 per day income.
Choose some keywords and domains
First step is to get some of the best paying keywords and the ones you can write on. Just google for best AdSense paying keywords to get a list or alternatively you can go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal Google’s keyword tool. Write any keyword e.g finance, computer, technology, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, affiliate marketing or anything of your choice. Just make sure you are going to that topic for your first website to which you can write some interesting words.
Google Keyword tool will give you a list of top competitions on your keyword query. You can display/hide columns to view highest bid on every keyword and estimated number of search traffic. Pick a few from top of the list and start search for domains related to these keywords. Domain does not need to be related but if your keyword is also in your domain, it will be helpful in term of SEO.
Register your first few domains.
Get some web hosting account
You can try hostgator web hosting plan or any other which supports multiple domain hosting at same account. You can try coupons to reduce the initial cost for your hosting plans.
Setup a Website or Web blog
Now setup your first website. If you are going for a weblog then best idea is to upload and install wordpress. Wordpress is best in means of SEO. Write few articles (7 to 10 articles) on website.
Start SEO for your website
Submit your website in search engines like google, yahoo and msn. Use the link of your website in signature of any of web forum if you use. Forums are fastest and free way to get backlinks to your website. More posts on a forum site you have, more backlinks you can get. Then submit your website in social news, networking sites like digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. And submit your website to a couple of free web directories. Keep a record of everything you are doing. In two or three days your website will be indexed in google and you’ll be start getting traffic from google. Now build as many links as you can but don’t spam too much.
Signup for Adsense (Or use if you already signed up)
Signup for adsense and wait for their approval. Once you got your account, create and place ads in your website. Use Ads blending and Adsense placement methods to embed the ads properly to generate more clicks by your visitors.
Final Step
Do as much SEO as you can. Build links, get more RSS subscribers, publish your site to social networking sites. Sooner you’ll be get your target for $5 per day
Multiply your income
Now repeat the above steps for another 20 websites. It’ll took some time but you can easily achieve $100 per day target with mini adsense sites. Just make sure you follow this rule
source :http://banned-adsense.blogspot.com/
Choose some keywords and domains
First step is to get some of the best paying keywords and the ones you can write on. Just google for best AdSense paying keywords to get a list or alternatively you can go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal Google’s keyword tool. Write any keyword e.g finance, computer, technology, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, affiliate marketing or anything of your choice. Just make sure you are going to that topic for your first website to which you can write some interesting words.
Google Keyword tool will give you a list of top competitions on your keyword query. You can display/hide columns to view highest bid on every keyword and estimated number of search traffic. Pick a few from top of the list and start search for domains related to these keywords. Domain does not need to be related but if your keyword is also in your domain, it will be helpful in term of SEO.
Register your first few domains.
Get some web hosting account
You can try hostgator web hosting plan or any other which supports multiple domain hosting at same account. You can try coupons to reduce the initial cost for your hosting plans.
Setup a Website or Web blog
Now setup your first website. If you are going for a weblog then best idea is to upload and install wordpress. Wordpress is best in means of SEO. Write few articles (7 to 10 articles) on website.
Start SEO for your website
Submit your website in search engines like google, yahoo and msn. Use the link of your website in signature of any of web forum if you use. Forums are fastest and free way to get backlinks to your website. More posts on a forum site you have, more backlinks you can get. Then submit your website in social news, networking sites like digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. And submit your website to a couple of free web directories. Keep a record of everything you are doing. In two or three days your website will be indexed in google and you’ll be start getting traffic from google. Now build as many links as you can but don’t spam too much.
Signup for Adsense (Or use if you already signed up)
Signup for adsense and wait for their approval. Once you got your account, create and place ads in your website. Use Ads blending and Adsense placement methods to embed the ads properly to generate more clicks by your visitors.
Final Step
Do as much SEO as you can. Build links, get more RSS subscribers, publish your site to social networking sites. Sooner you’ll be get your target for $5 per day
Multiply your income
Now repeat the above steps for another 20 websites. It’ll took some time but you can easily achieve $100 per day target with mini adsense sites. Just make sure you follow this rule
source :http://banned-adsense.blogspot.com/
PIN send to my Address confirmation
Today, I receive email confirmation from google adsense admin about PIN sending information.
I hope that PIN will receive on time.
We've recently sent you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via standard mail. You should expect to receive it within about 2-4 weeks. Once you receive your PIN, you will need to enter it into your account in order to become eligible to receive AdSense payments. To enter your PIN, simply follow the instructions included with your PIN mailer.
If you do not receive your PIN after three weeks, you may request a replacement by following the instructions at http://www.google.com/adsensenewpin .
Please note that publishers have 6 months from the original issue date to enter their PIN. If you have not entered your PIN within 4 months, we will start displaying Public Service Ads (PSAs) on your web pages. If you have not entered your PIN within 6 months, your account will be disabled and any unpaid earnings will be refunded to the appropriate advertisers. You can learn more about our PIN policy at http://www.google.com/adsense_pin_info .
For additional questions about getting paid, please visit http://www.google.com/adsense_payment_guide . If you prefer a video presentation of this information, we encourage you to watch our Payment demo (currently available in English only), located at http://www.google.com/adsense_payment_demo .
The Google AdSense Team
I hope that PIN will receive on time.
We've recently sent you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via standard mail. You should expect to receive it within about 2-4 weeks. Once you receive your PIN, you will need to enter it into your account in order to become eligible to receive AdSense payments. To enter your PIN, simply follow the instructions included with your PIN mailer.
If you do not receive your PIN after three weeks, you may request a replacement by following the instructions at http://www.google.com/adsensenewpin .
Please note that publishers have 6 months from the original issue date to enter their PIN. If you have not entered your PIN within 4 months, we will start displaying Public Service Ads (PSAs) on your web pages. If you have not entered your PIN within 6 months, your account will be disabled and any unpaid earnings will be refunded to the appropriate advertisers. You can learn more about our PIN policy at http://www.google.com/adsense_pin_info .
For additional questions about getting paid, please visit http://www.google.com/adsense_payment_guide . If you prefer a video presentation of this information, we encourage you to watch our Payment demo (currently available in English only), located at http://www.google.com/adsense_payment_demo .
The Google AdSense Team
Selasa, 03 Maret 2009
How do I pick up my Western Union Quick Cash payment?
How do I pick up my Western Union Quick Cash payment?
In order to pick up your payment by Western Union Quick Cash, please complete the following steps:
1. Visit http://www.payment-solutions.com/agent.asp to locate a Western Union Agent.
2. Call the Western Union Agent to confirm that they offer the Quick Cash service.
3. Bring the following information with you:
- a valid government-issued photo ID (Passport, Driver's license, National ID etc)
- sender's information: Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. Phone Number: 650-253-4000
- amount of your payment, which you can find on your Payment History page
- your unique MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) which you can find by clicking on the 'details' link next to the Payment Issued line on your Payment History page
When you go to the Western Union agent, please let them know that you would like to pick up a Quick Cash payment. Additionally, please remember to pick up your Western Union payment within 60 days of the payment date, or the amount will be credited back to your AdSense account.
link : pick up my Western Union Quick Cash
In order to pick up your payment by Western Union Quick Cash, please complete the following steps:
1. Visit http://www.payment-solutions.com/agent.asp to locate a Western Union Agent.
2. Call the Western Union Agent to confirm that they offer the Quick Cash service.
3. Bring the following information with you:
- a valid government-issued photo ID (Passport, Driver's license, National ID etc)
- sender's information: Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. Phone Number: 650-253-4000
- amount of your payment, which you can find on your Payment History page
- your unique MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) which you can find by clicking on the 'details' link next to the Payment Issued line on your Payment History page
When you go to the Western Union agent, please let them know that you would like to pick up a Quick Cash payment. Additionally, please remember to pick up your Western Union payment within 60 days of the payment date, or the amount will be credited back to your AdSense account.
link : pick up my Western Union Quick Cash
Bank apa buat mencairkan cek Google Adsense ?
dari milist : http://www.adsense-id.com
ada beberapa komentar. Silakan di baca:
Old 12-03-2007, 02:58 PM
nike nike is offline
AdSense Pro
aku nyairin di bni cabang gombong, kebumen. pada tanggal 25 oktober 07
ceknya berbeda alamat dengan alamat ktp. teller nya sempet ragu bisa apa gak, katanya yg nentuin bisa apa gak adalah citibank sendiri. sempet dianjurkan ke citibank semarang, tapi karena jauh aku bilang males, dan minta lewat bni situ aja.
ahirnya tellernya bilang " dicoba dulu aja ya ... tapi klo nanti ditolok saya beri tahu"
aku disuruh bayar 15.000 untuk ongkos kirim dan tambahan 6000 untuk materai. katanya paling cepet 2 minggu dan paling lama 1 bulan.
aku periksa ternyata clear/disetujui tanggal 23 november 2007.
tanggal 3 desember 07 aku ke bni nya, karena belum masuk ke rek bni ku.
tellernya bilang belum masuk ke rekening "tampungan" bni ... karena katanya lewat proses international (gak ngerti, kemungkinan langsung dikirim ke citibank US) dan aku disuruh menunggu ...kemungkinan 1 minggu lagi.
nah, coba nanti 1 minggu lagi aku kasih tau.. berhasil apa gak.
gak ada syarat umur rekening. bahkan klo yang lagi cekak, dan duitnya sebenarnya mau kepake... bisa langsung diambil lagi kok, sisain aja 50 rebu di rekening .. hehehe.
klo gak salah setoran awal 250 ribu , biaya pembuatan kartu atm 10 ribu. klo pilih atm instan, langsung dikasih kartu atm saat itu juga. jadi kluar dari bank, kita bisa ambil duit kita lagi lewat atm, klo memang lagi butuh banget duit ;p
Old 02-06-2008, 11:04 AM
cholish cholish is offline
New Comer
Teman-teman Adsense - ID, saya juga udah pernah cairin Cek Google Adsense di BNI ( BNI Trikora Jogjakarta, sebelah utara Alun-alun utara atau sbl baratnya Kantor Pos)
Syarat Pencairan Cek:
1. Punya Rekening BNI ( Nggak harus cabang Jogjakarta, aku pakai rekening BNI cabang Klaten )
2. Fotokopi KTP ( Nama harus sama dengan yang di Cek, alamat beda nggak masalah )
KTPku alamatnya di Klaten, alamat Cek pakai alamat Kost di Jogja.
Aku masukin Cek tgl 5 Desember 2007, seminggu kemudian tgl 12 Des. udah cleared.
Terus kutunggu-tunggu akhirnya tgl 15 Januari 2008 akhirnya cair ( 40 hari cair )
Aku masukin cek sebesar $ 101,83 masuk rekening sebesar Rp.655.319
Kalau dihitung-hitung potongannya dari BNI sama Citibank total sekitar $ 30
Bagi yg berminat mencairkan cek di BNI selamat mencoba !
Old 01-10-2008, 01:17 PM
nike nike is offline
AdSense Pro
di bni aja, syaratnya cuma punya rekening di bni ... klo diitung-itung potongannya gak nyampe 200.000
03-14-2008, 02:48 AM
djawir djawir
New Comer
pake bank niaga fee nya 15 usd
10 usd pas nyerahin cek (bisa potong saldo rekening bisa tunai), 5 usd setelah cek cair (langsung motong saldo rekening).
biasanya cair 1 bulan.
Old 08-18-2008, 01:19 AM
momogi momogi is offline
AdSense Pro
Kalo bank buana, biaya inkaso $10, cek cair utuh ga ada potongan. Lama cair sekitar 1 bulan.
Old 09-04-2008, 09:58 AM
AdSense Fan
aku pake mandiri kepotong $60 trs dituker pake kurs Rp.8800. apa ga mencekik tuh? tapi ya mau gmn lagi soalnya yang bisa cairin cek GA ditempatku cuma mandiri.
09-15-2008, 11:07 AM
New Comer
saya pake bank permata .. udah lebih dari 3x cairin ke bank permata .. proses 1 bulan ... biaya Rp 150.000 flat/cek .. enak kan ?
Old 09-17-2008, 02:08 PM
first first is offline
New Comer
kl pake bca kena potong brp ya buat cairin cek adsense ?
dl pernah cairin cek adbrite kena potong $10 pas serahin cek,pas udah cair kena potong lg $15.Kl cek adsense apa sama sgt juga biaya cairinnya?
Old 09-18-2008, 12:04 AM
yoliferdi yoliferdi is offline
AdSense Starter
Lebih enak sih cairin di Citibank. Hari ini baru aja coba cairin di Citibank Kelapa Gading. Tellernya lsg ngerti, soalnya dah biasa ngurusin cek dari adsense. Biaya cuma 100rb (bandingin dengan mandiri yang bisa ampe $55).
Sempet tanya juga cek yg pernah dicairin yg paling besar brp jumlahnya. Tellernya jawab pernah ada $1600 dan banyak yg cairin antara $300 - $400.
Old 10-24-2008, 07:36 PM
axa axa is online now
AdSense Fan
Bank Niaga Depok : Waktu pencairan kurang lebih 30 hari, Fee cuma $15 dipotong/didebet di awal (pas nyetor cek)
ada beberapa komentar. Silakan di baca:
Old 12-03-2007, 02:58 PM
nike nike is offline
AdSense Pro
aku nyairin di bni cabang gombong, kebumen. pada tanggal 25 oktober 07
ceknya berbeda alamat dengan alamat ktp. teller nya sempet ragu bisa apa gak, katanya yg nentuin bisa apa gak adalah citibank sendiri. sempet dianjurkan ke citibank semarang, tapi karena jauh aku bilang males, dan minta lewat bni situ aja.
ahirnya tellernya bilang " dicoba dulu aja ya ... tapi klo nanti ditolok saya beri tahu"
aku disuruh bayar 15.000 untuk ongkos kirim dan tambahan 6000 untuk materai. katanya paling cepet 2 minggu dan paling lama 1 bulan.
aku periksa ternyata clear/disetujui tanggal 23 november 2007.
tanggal 3 desember 07 aku ke bni nya, karena belum masuk ke rek bni ku.
tellernya bilang belum masuk ke rekening "tampungan" bni ... karena katanya lewat proses international (gak ngerti, kemungkinan langsung dikirim ke citibank US) dan aku disuruh menunggu ...kemungkinan 1 minggu lagi.
nah, coba nanti 1 minggu lagi aku kasih tau.. berhasil apa gak.
gak ada syarat umur rekening. bahkan klo yang lagi cekak, dan duitnya sebenarnya mau kepake... bisa langsung diambil lagi kok, sisain aja 50 rebu di rekening .. hehehe.
klo gak salah setoran awal 250 ribu , biaya pembuatan kartu atm 10 ribu. klo pilih atm instan, langsung dikasih kartu atm saat itu juga. jadi kluar dari bank, kita bisa ambil duit kita lagi lewat atm, klo memang lagi butuh banget duit ;p
Old 02-06-2008, 11:04 AM
cholish cholish is offline
New Comer
Teman-teman Adsense - ID, saya juga udah pernah cairin Cek Google Adsense di BNI ( BNI Trikora Jogjakarta, sebelah utara Alun-alun utara atau sbl baratnya Kantor Pos)
Syarat Pencairan Cek:
1. Punya Rekening BNI ( Nggak harus cabang Jogjakarta, aku pakai rekening BNI cabang Klaten )
2. Fotokopi KTP ( Nama harus sama dengan yang di Cek, alamat beda nggak masalah )
KTPku alamatnya di Klaten, alamat Cek pakai alamat Kost di Jogja.
Aku masukin Cek tgl 5 Desember 2007, seminggu kemudian tgl 12 Des. udah cleared.
Terus kutunggu-tunggu akhirnya tgl 15 Januari 2008 akhirnya cair ( 40 hari cair )
Aku masukin cek sebesar $ 101,83 masuk rekening sebesar Rp.655.319
Kalau dihitung-hitung potongannya dari BNI sama Citibank total sekitar $ 30
Bagi yg berminat mencairkan cek di BNI selamat mencoba !
Old 01-10-2008, 01:17 PM
nike nike is offline
AdSense Pro
di bni aja, syaratnya cuma punya rekening di bni ... klo diitung-itung potongannya gak nyampe 200.000
03-14-2008, 02:48 AM
djawir djawir
New Comer
pake bank niaga fee nya 15 usd
10 usd pas nyerahin cek (bisa potong saldo rekening bisa tunai), 5 usd setelah cek cair (langsung motong saldo rekening).
biasanya cair 1 bulan.
Old 08-18-2008, 01:19 AM
momogi momogi is offline
AdSense Pro
Kalo bank buana, biaya inkaso $10, cek cair utuh ga ada potongan. Lama cair sekitar 1 bulan.
Old 09-04-2008, 09:58 AM
AdSense Fan
aku pake mandiri kepotong $60 trs dituker pake kurs Rp.8800. apa ga mencekik tuh? tapi ya mau gmn lagi soalnya yang bisa cairin cek GA ditempatku cuma mandiri.
09-15-2008, 11:07 AM
New Comer
saya pake bank permata .. udah lebih dari 3x cairin ke bank permata .. proses 1 bulan ... biaya Rp 150.000 flat/cek .. enak kan ?
Old 09-17-2008, 02:08 PM
first first is offline
New Comer
kl pake bca kena potong brp ya buat cairin cek adsense ?
dl pernah cairin cek adbrite kena potong $10 pas serahin cek,pas udah cair kena potong lg $15.Kl cek adsense apa sama sgt juga biaya cairinnya?
Old 09-18-2008, 12:04 AM
yoliferdi yoliferdi is offline
AdSense Starter
Lebih enak sih cairin di Citibank. Hari ini baru aja coba cairin di Citibank Kelapa Gading. Tellernya lsg ngerti, soalnya dah biasa ngurusin cek dari adsense. Biaya cuma 100rb (bandingin dengan mandiri yang bisa ampe $55).
Sempet tanya juga cek yg pernah dicairin yg paling besar brp jumlahnya. Tellernya jawab pernah ada $1600 dan banyak yg cairin antara $300 - $400.
Old 10-24-2008, 07:36 PM
axa axa is online now
AdSense Fan
Bank Niaga Depok : Waktu pencairan kurang lebih 30 hari, Fee cuma $15 dipotong/didebet di awal (pas nyetor cek)
receive my AdSense payments by Western Union
How do I sign up to receive my AdSense payments by Western Union?
If you would like to receive your earnings by Western Union Quick Cash, please complete the following steps. Please note that at this time, this payment option is only available to individual publishers.
1. Sign in to your account at www.google.com/adsense.
2. Visit the My Account tab.
3. Click the 'edit' link adjacent to the 'Payment Details' header.
4. Select the Western Union Quick Cash radio button.
5. Click 'Continue'.
6. Click 'Save Changes' to save your payment type.
Please make sure that the name on your account exactly matches that on the government issued ID card that you will bring to pick up your Western Union Quick Cash payments. If you need to update your payee name in your account, please let us know and we will be happy to help you to do so.
Also, please note that we are unable to guarantee payment for the next payment cycle in this form if your selection was made after the 15th of the month. For example, to ensure payment by Western Union Quick Cash for your March earnings, please complete the steps above before April 15th.
source : google blog
If you would like to receive your earnings by Western Union Quick Cash, please complete the following steps. Please note that at this time, this payment option is only available to individual publishers.
1. Sign in to your account at www.google.com/adsense.
2. Visit the My Account tab.
3. Click the 'edit' link adjacent to the 'Payment Details' header.
4. Select the Western Union Quick Cash radio button.
5. Click 'Continue'.
6. Click 'Save Changes' to save your payment type.
Please make sure that the name on your account exactly matches that on the government issued ID card that you will bring to pick up your Western Union Quick Cash payments. If you need to update your payee name in your account, please let us know and we will be happy to help you to do so.
Also, please note that we are unable to guarantee payment for the next payment cycle in this form if your selection was made after the 15th of the month. For example, to ensure payment by Western Union Quick Cash for your March earnings, please complete the steps above before April 15th.
source : google blog
earning by today
Until now, my Adsense report :
- $ 22.28
Its OK. Lets make special content on your blog. And share..
- $ 22.28
Its OK. Lets make special content on your blog. And share..
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